Blue ram cichlids are among the most visually appealing freshwater fish in the hobby. Almost every colour of the rainbow can be seen in a healthy ram in breeding condition. In this article, we’ll guide you through how to keep Blue Rams, their breeding process, and other helpful information. Let’s dive in!

Care Guide
Tank Size
German Blue Ram Cichlids require a tank size of 20 gallons. This would provide them with lots of room to play and roam. Many individuals have stated that this species will thrive in a 10-gallon aquarium.
While they will theoretically survive, the additional room we recommend will have a substantial long-term benefit on their general health and wellbeing. The difference between 10 and 20 gallons isn’t significant for most fishkeepers.
If you intend to keep more than one male ram, a 40-gallon tank is recommended (151 liters). A tank that large would allow each guy to establish his own territory and, presumably, keep them from fighting.
Just because you see numerous males in a small tank in a live fish store doesn’t mean you can keep fish in this manner in the long run. The fish in the store tanks haven’t been there long, so they haven’t sought to establish a territory. They are also typically juveniles whose behavior will drastically shift once they reach adulthood.
Tank Mates
Because of the placid nature of the Blue Ram, the list of probable tank mates is rather long. They get along with almost everyone. When considering tank mates, the basic rule is to consider size and temperament.
This species gets along well with other little fish who don’t want to be bothered. Any fish that is huge or aggressive should be avoided at all costs.
Some good tank mates suitable for Blue Rams include Silver Dollar Fish, Honey Gourami, Bristlenose Pleco, Cory Catfish, Dwarf Gourami, Rubber Lip Pleco, Rummy Nose Tetra, Kuhli Loach, and the Bolivian Ram. All varieties of freshwater aquarium snails live peacefully with German Blue Rams. They’ll usually just ignore them and continue their routine.
You could also have shrimp such as the Amano or Red Cherry varieties. If you wish to keep more than one German Blue Ram in the same tank, keep the number to no more than two.
This will help in reducing the risk of territorial behavior. When raising two males alongside each other, make absolutely sure the tank is at least 40 gallons in size- anything less is insufficient and potentially cruel.
Same Species Tanks
If you’re planning on keeping more than one German Blue Ram in the very same tank, you should keep them to a maximum of two. This should assist in reducing aggressive behaviour (particularly if several males are kept together). If you’re keeping 2 males around, ensure that the tank is at least 40 gallons in size.
Water Parameters
Water maintenance is among the most crucial aspects of Blue Ram ownership and upkeep. And while it may appear to be true of all fish, this species is particularly vulnerable to poor water conditions.
In order to keep your Blue Rams as healthy as possible, it is recommended that the water temperature in your tank stays between 72 degrees fahrenheit and 79 degrees fahrenheit. Any lower or higher could have detrimental effects on this species.
Additionally, the pH levels of the tank water should be no lower than 5 and no higher than 7.5. The optimal water pH level is somewhere between these two figures. When it comes to hardness, the water in your tank should be no lower than 5 KH and no higher than 12 KH.
For the first two weeks after purchasing these fish, we suggest monitoring the tank periodically. Because the fish will still be adapting, this will help you to keep steady water parameters. Also, invest in some decent filtering.
The purity of the environment is critical for this species. It’s also essential that you make partial water changes on a regular basis. It’s best to change out about 20% of the water once a week.
What To Put In Their Tank
Vegetation is quite possibly the most crucial aspect to consider when trying to set up the inside of your tank. Blue Rams spend the majority of their time hiding in foliage in their natural environment. They will feel vulnerable inside an aquarium that’s not extensively vegetated. In turn, this can lead to your Blue Rams becoming stressed.
If you’re struggling to pick out the right plants to put in your Blue Ram tank, fortunately, there are plenty of varieties to choose from . Water wisteria and hornwort are two of our favourites, but there are many more to pick from.
Because this species doesn’t require much light, you might also try some floating plants. Don’t go crazy with the plants, though. These fish still need space to swim, so don’t overcrowd them.
While Blue Rams aren’t genuine bottom-dwellers, they do spend plenty of time burrowing about on the substrate. This is a frequent cichlid activity that these little fish exhibit on a regular basis.
A sandy substrate is usually the best choice for them. This will protect them from being scraped or cut while digging. If necessary, a fine gravel substrate can also be used.
Common Diseases
Fish tb is the most significant health concern that Blue Rams are prone to, and it may be very painful. Because it isn’t as well-known as a sickness like Ich, many rookie fishkeepers are unaware of its existence. Fish TB is caused by bacteria and other microorganisms found in the tank water, and it can be fatal.
If your fish becomes ill, it will show a variety of symptoms. Decrease in weight and size, as well as lesions on their bodies, are the most typical symptoms. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to try to get it treated as soon as you can, as it can be pretty serious.
Food & Diet
It’s not difficult to feed German Blue Rams. This species are omnivores who aren’t choosy about what they eat. It’s a smart option to provide them pellet or flake food as their main source of nutrition. Any goods from a reputable seller would suffice.
Additionally, you should provide them with some protein-rich foods. Bloodworms, brine shrimp, and tubifex are all delicious. They’ll add some variety to their food as well as some enrichment. It’s worth noting that when these fish are still getting used to their aquarium, they can be a little picky. When this happens, you may find it difficult to feed them.
A typical healthy Blue Ram can live for 3 to 4 years on average. This presupposes you’re giving them great care and a suitable environment. These are one of the easiest cichlids to keep alive for as long as possible. Their size, disposition, and basic care requirements are all well within their capabilities.
A typical healthy Blue Ram can live for 3 to 4 years on average. This presupposes you’re giving them great care and a suitable environment. These are one of the easiest cichlids to keep alive for as long as possible. Their size, disposition, and basic care requirements are all well within their capabilities.
When fully developed, a Blue Ram measures roughly 2 to 3 inches in length. A variety of factors influence their size, but the 2 most important are how they were produced and what they ate as children.
Behavior & Temperament
These fish are laid-back and want to mind their own business. This makes them ideal for group tanks, as you can keep them with a large number of other people. These fish are frequently seen lurking amid the plants or digging through the substrate.
They’re a fascinating mix of shyness and curiosity. They normally hang out in the bottom half of the aquarium, but it’s not impossible for them to wander up to the top and take a look around. As a result, they’re a lot of fun to watch.
In a tank, spawning blue rams is rather simple. They’ll cheerfully spawn every few weeks if you offer them the correct conditions. Just be prepared to accommodate hundreds of fry as they mature.
In a tank, it’s better to have a couple of rams by themselves. Once they hatch, they’ll become more aggressive and harass other tankmates who approach close to their nursery.
Rams deposit their eggs on a flat surface that lies on the ground, such as a rock. It’s best to provide the couple with many spawning possibilities. A clump of Java moss, which the new parents can use to hide their fry, will also be appreciated.
Gender Differences: Male vs. Female
It’s quite easy to identify the difference between a male and female blue ram once they’ve reached maturity. Females are often stockier, smaller, and less colourful than their male counterparts. They have a pointed head as opposed to the rounded head of the male. Their pectoral fins are significantly shorter than those of males.
They normally just reach the beginning of the anal fin when folded. Looking at the large black patch on either side of the body is the best and most dependable way to identify a female ram. A few of the blue reflecting scales will be visible inside the black area on females.
Males are significantly larger than females, having a sleeker body structure and a more rounded forehead. Their pectoral fins are nearly twice as long, with the tips reaching almost to their tails when folded back. On their dorsal fins, many males have large second rays that extend much beyond the rest of the fin.
Fun Facts
- Like other cichlids, Blue Rams have an extra set of teeth in their throat.
- Blue Rams only have one set of nostrils.
- Female Blue Rams will lay on average 150-250 eggs.