Gold Barb 101: Care, Diet, Tank Size, Tank Mates, & More

You don’t often find a fish in the aquarium that looks like it’s been dipped in gold. But that’s exactly what you’ll see when encountering a Gold Barb.

Gold Barbs are pretty low-maintenance fish. They’re not particularly sensitive to water parameters, but they do prefer clean water. As with all fish, it’s important to do regular water changes to keep the tank clean and the Gold Barb healthy.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about Gold Barbs, including how to set up their tank, what to feed them, and common problems you may encounter.

Species Summary

gold barb
Gold Barb

These stunning fish are native to large parts of mainland Asia and can be found in many different habitats, including swamps, puddles, ponds, and streams. Gold Barbs are well-known for their hardiness and active nature, making a great addition to any aquarium. In fact, they are a  widespread species in the aquarium hobby for a long time and is considered invasive in places like Hawaii and Singapore.

What’s more, they’re a hardy fish and have already been found in waters with the most varied characteristics, from acid pH and soft hardness to alkaline water and medium hardness. 

The species accepts a wide range of water parameters and remains at an optimal size, reaching up to 8 cm. They’re active swimmers and prefer to live in groups, so be sure to add at least six fish to your tank. 

One thing to keep in mind is that the Golden Barb is also a known fin-nibbler, so avoid keeping it with slow-moving fish that can’t defend themselves.

Gold Barb Care Guide

These fish are known for being hardy and easy to care for, but they do require some specific conditions like plenty of room to swim, filtration, and a stable pH level.

Tank Size

When it comes to keeping gold barbs, tank size is a crucial factor. These fish need to be kept in a school of at least six individuals, so you’ll need an aquarium that’s at least 21 gallons. The dimensions of the aquarium should be 31″ x 11″ x 15″, but it’s always best to give the fish as much space as possible.

Tank Mates

When it comes to choosing Gold Barb tank mates, think of the following: 

First, avoid any fish that could potentially injure the Gold Barb. 

Second, make sure to choose fish that are similar in size and behavior. 

And lastly, avoid any fish with very flashy or exuberant fins as the Gold Barb can hurt them.

With that in mind, some great tank mates for the Gold Barb include Corydoras, Oto Catfish, Cardinal Tetras, Neon Tetras, and other species of barbs.

Same Species Tanks

This fish is often kept as a single species in large aquariums and is a great addition to any well-decorated aquarium. 

Water Parameters

If you have kept fish before, you know very well that every species has different water parameters that they prefer. Some fish are very delicate and need pristine conditions, while others are much more hardy and can tolerate a wider range of water quality. The Gold Barb is one of the latter; they are incredibly resistant fish which support a wide range of parameters.

The perfect temperature for keeping the Gold Barb in an aquarium is 60 to 75 F. The ideal pH range is between 6.0 to 8.0, and it is indifferent to the hardness. In other words, this fish will thrive in virtually any tank. This makes the Gold Barb an ideal choice for beginner aquarists, as they are much less likely to accidentally kill them in poor water conditions.

What to Put in Their Tank

A well-sized aquarium heater and filter are essential to keep the tank with Gold Barb healthy. The filtration system must be well-sized, creating a low to moderate flow.

As for the aesthetics of the aquarium, you can choose from different themes. The Gold Barb is a very versatile fish in this sense. They will be happy in a tank with Amazonian, Asian, or African themes. As long as there are plenty of hiding places and some open space to swim, your Gold Barb will be happy.

As for what to put in their tank, Gold Barbs need a sandy substrate and plenty of hiding places. Driftwood and a bed of dry leaves are a great way to provide hiding places, and a densely planted aquarium will also work well. A sandy, dark substrate will enhance your Gold Barb’s colors. You should also leave a wide-open space for them to swim freely.

Common Diseases

As Gold Barbs are quite disease-resistant, the most common problems you may encounter are stress-related. The two main causes of stress are poor water quality and poor diet.

If you maintain the quality of the water and the tank quality and feed your fish a good diet, they should not present any problems. 

Food and Diet

The Gold Barb is a species of fish that, like other barbs, is omnivorous with a high tendency towards carnivores. This means that their diet in the wild consists of a variety of items, including worms, crustaceans, small amounts of vegetables, and even other types of organic materials such as detritus. 

In an aquarium, these fish readily accept all types of food. However, it’s important to provide a well-balanced diet that includes both a high-quality commercial feed and live, fresh or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, or daphnia, which will make these fish look much more vivid and their behavior closer to natural.

Gold Barbs are known to be always hungry, so it’s important to set a time to feed them and stick to it. Try to give them an amount of food that they can consume quickly. 


If you’re wondering how long Gold Barbs live, it all depends on their environment. In an aquarium with stable parameters and a good diet, gold barbs can live for over 6 years. The average lifespan is around 5 years.

However, Gold Barbs don’t live as long in nature due to diseases, attacks from other animals, and environmental causes.


The Gold Barb is a very popular choice among fish enthusiasts, and it’s easy to see why – who doesn’t love a little bit of bling in their life? As its name implies, this fish is mostly gold in coloration, with black spots along its body. The marks may appear as vertical bars, whereas the tip of its fins is slightly transparent.

The natural color of the Gold Barb is green. However, very few of these fish are found in the wild in their natural coloration. Most of the gold barbs you’ll find in pet stores have been bred to bring out their gold coloring. 


They can quickly grow to 3 inches in length when well cared for and fed, but the everyday sight is around 1.9 inches.

Behavior and Temperament

They can be kept in a community aquarium with fish of the same size and behavior. Gold Barbs are very active animals, occupying practically all strata of the tank; however, they prefer to feed on the surface.

A school of Gold Barbs has a unique beauty and behavior. In addition to being active, occupying practically all tank areas, they are also social fish. They prefer to be in close proximity to other Gold Barbs and will often swim in tight schools. 

That’s right, the Gold Barb is a peaceful, schooling fish that does best when kept in a group of at least six individuals. If you keep them in pairs or trios, there may be severe persecution of the weakest of the group. Additionally, these intelligent and curious fish are always on the lookout for what happens around them.

And did you know that Gold Barbs can actually be a bit of a handful? Yes, they may be low-maintenance when it comes to caring, but they can actually be pretty high-maintenance when it comes to their behavior. If they’re not comfortable in their tank, they can become stressed, and some may even develop what is known as “Gold Barb depression.”


Captive breeding of Gold Barbs is quite simple and is carried out commercially and accidentally in home aquariums worldwide.

This species is oviparous, which means that the female will lay her eggs in the middle of the substrate. In nature, their reproductive period follows the rhythm of floods, with the change in water chemistry being one of the main factors that trigger the reproductive process.

The mating ritual begins with the male showing himself to the female. The female will then disperse the eggs freely along the substrate. These eggs will be fertilized promptly by the male.

Sadly, the parents do not exhibit parental care and will eat all the eggs and fry if given a chance.

Gender Differences: Male vs Female

Adult females tend to be rounder and slightly larger than males, while males develop red pigmentation on the underside of the body once they reach sexual maturity.

Gold Barb Fun Facts

● It is pretty common to find the species in aquarium sites described as Barbus / Puntius schuberti. Still, this name is in disuse and was invented by the American Thomas Schubert, considered one of the fathers of aquarism. Barbodes sachsii (Ahl, 1923) is also used to designate this species, but its validity is in doubt, and it is currently considered another species of fish.

● The gold strain was developed by Thomas Schubert of Camden, New Jersey, in the 1960s through selective breeding. For many years he thought that the Golden Barb was a distinct species; however, it is just a variety. Dennis Wilcox produced albino varieties in the 1970s in the USA. Stanislav Frank also obtained selections of Gold Barb without the black marks in Europe. 

● Samples of tricolor varieties showing black, orange, and pink colors have recently appeared on the Asian and European markets. You can also find the albino variety of the species.

● This species is identical to the congener Barbodes snyderi, but differs in having a pair of prominent maxillary barbels, whereas B. snyderi has only tiny, indistinct barbels that are not present in all individuals. In addition, B. semifasciolatus is a slightly leaner fish than B. snyderi and has 7 to 9 dark vertical marks on its body, while the other species has four to five marks.


Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott, 1991. World fishes important to North Americans. Exclusive of species from the continental waters of the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (21):243 p.

Chen, X., J.-H. Pan, Z. Liu and D. Liang, 1991. Barbinae. p. 136-167. In J.-H. Pan, L. Zhong, C.-Y. Zheng, H.-L. Wu and J.-H. Liu (eds.) The freshwater fishes of Guangdong Province. Guangdong Science and Technology Press, Guangzhou. 589 p.

Hwang, H.C., I.Y. Chen and P.C. Yueh, 1988. The freshwater fishes of China in colored illustrations. Vol. 2. Shanghai Sciences and Technology Press, Shanghai, China. 201 p.

Mills, D. and G. Vevers, 1989. The Tetra encyclopedia of freshwater tropical aquarium fishes. Tetra Press, New Jersey. 208 p.

Nichols, J.T., 1943. The freshwater fishes of China. Natural history of Central Asia: Volume IX. The American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA, 322 p.